ANSORP has been successfully performing multinational projects on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in major pathogens in Asian countries since 1996 with many publications in the international scientific journals.Through these actives, ANSORP will certainly contribute to the future control strategies of resistance problem in the AP region.

ANSORP projects & related publications and presentations
Major international projects performed by ANSORP
Multinational study on pneumococcal resistance among carriage isolates
Title Surveillance of nasopharyngeal carriage of drug-resistant pneumococci in Asian children
Principle Investigator Dr. Jae-Hoon Song (Korea)
Study Period Jan 1998 ~ Mar 1999
Countries/Areas (Centers)
Korea, China, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia (12 centers)
Summary This study showed the high rate of penicillin or multidrug resistance among isolates of pneumococci carried nasally in children in Asia and the Middle East and showed that this is due to the spread of a few predominant clones in the region. In addition, this study shows that the use of nasopharyngeal isolates from children on admission to hospital, or attending an outpatient clinic, can be used as an estimate of the incidence of resistance in systemic isolates. Carriage rates in different countries could reveal the background reason for different status of pneumococcal resistance in Asia.

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